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I saw a mother with a newborn on the plane and I could see she was struggling. Should I tell her it’s ok to nurse to comfort her crying baby? What if she wasn’t supported that way and I made her feel bad because she feeds formula? I guess I’ll just smile at her and let her know it’s ok the baby cries - it doesn’t bother me or my girls. The flight attendant told her she’s in the easiest part of parenting. I’m not sure that’s accurate. It’s true; parenting constantly changes. It doesn’t really get “easier”. But they do eventually sleep. Eventually, you accept the term “mother”. I am a mother. It is the hardest and the most amazing thing I have ever done. I tried to tell her this - even though it doesn’t get easier, the transition eventually comes. Eventually we complete the matresence, the evolution into motherhood and that makes things just a little easier. But it’s certainly a journey, and it’s not over in 6 weeks, 3 months — there’s no time limit. Personally, I think it took me at least 5 years to truly accept my new role as a mother. It doesn’t mean the girls were neglected in that time or I didn’t “mother”, but the mental shift from maiden to mother takes as long as it takes. And that is just not easy. But eventually we make the transition, and that feels good. (P.s. I think if we had better support and more #community it wouldn’t need to take so long, but this is the reality of our current culture. I hope we continue to demand better.) #motherhood #mothering #matresence #motherjourney #maidentomother #doula #postpartum #postpartumdoula
Prepare your clients or yourself for an empowered pregnancy and postpartum experience with the help of yoga, breathwork, herbs, aromatherapy, and an expanded perspective on pregnancy and birth. Registration is open now through October 21.
#prenatal #yoga #prenatalyoga #certificate #doula #birth #birthdoula #prepareforbirth #midwiferymodelofcare
Last day with this beautiful family. What an honor to witness a mother take care of herself while helping around the house and to care for this lovely baby! I will miss you! #postpartumdoula #postpartum #doula #4thtrimester #mothercare #motherthemother
Partners practicing hip squeezes, massage, and communication in the comfort measures section of Resilient Birth Prep yesterday. 💕 We talked a lot about movement and keeping the pelvis free to open and allow the baby to work through. 💕 What’s best for birth is NOT what you have seen through popular media! When possible, get off your back and just keep moving. 
💕Come to the next session May 5 or private classes are always available! 
#childbirtheducation #childbirthclass #childbirthpreparation #prepareforbirth #lamazeclass #doula #birth #birthprep #northeastohio
Just finished another round of Resilient Birth Prep with a great group of engaged learners. Some things I heard when the class ended: 
💕”Thank you so much, I learned a lot”
💕”I feel so much more prepared”
💕”That was a lot of helpful information”
Want to join us next time? Class happens again March 3 and May 5! Or schedule your own private class at your convenience. 
#prepareforbirth #childbirtheducation #lamazeclass #knowyouroptionsinbirth #birthsupport #birthsupportmatters #northeastohio
Always such an exciting moment!
Midwife: @bbb_midwifery 
#thisishomebirth #homebirth #midwiferymodelofcare #midwife #birthdoula #birthoptionsmatter
💫 New Research published this month in Acta Paediatrica (113: 199-205) suggests that 90 minutes of skin to skin after birth can lead to higher rates of exclusive breastfeeding at 60 hours, 6 weeks, 10 weeks, and 14 weeks of age. Many providers are eager to start newborn exams by an hour post birth, but this research suggests we might want to advocate to delay exams even longer if at all possible (sometimes it’s just not feasible so it’s ok to start skin to skin time WHENEVER you can, there’s always a benefit). This is something you might want to consider for your birth plan! Learn more about setting yourself up for breastfeeding success at the Prepare Your Nest class February 10 with @mamabirdhendry and at Resilient Birth Prep February 18. If you’ve already given birth, were you able to delay your newborn exams to focus on skin to skin with your baby? 
#skintoskincontact #skintoskin #newbornexam #breastfeeding #prepareforbirth #birthplan #knowyouroptions



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